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Friday, May 25, 2007
it's my birthday 2moro!


and there's GP mid yr exam 2moro...


. . .

maybe i will be blessed with a fairly gd grade since it's my birthday.


wahhh i wanna go on a shoppin spree 2moro!!!

kk gtg..
cYa!! =P


4:48 AM

Friday, May 04, 2007
lit lecturer gt something on today.. we had no lessons from 1.30pm all the way to 4pm..


we had to wait for 2.5 hrs just for a P.E lesson.

. . .

anw.. didnt feel like doin homework.. so eileen and i did online personality quizzes for the long break..

haha imagine how many tests we took...

i was so lethargic today.. (kk.. not like there really are days where im actually energetic) ahh.. only slept for bout 2hrs ytd.. haha.. was bout to start on my lit essay assignment ytd evenin.. then coach called and we chatted for an hr.. after that went to eat dinner.. then rest a while... and it was nearly 10pm. =.=

slowly analyse the poems (while watchin youtube at the same time...)

ahaha and when everything was done, it was 3am... ...

anw.. so far coach is the 2nd person i actually chat with on the phone for so long.. the 1st was Nicholas i tink.. when we were sec 2.. chat until my phone low batt then we were like... 'hey i hear the "ti ti" sound liao!' hahaha...

oh.. and sometimes i wonder why coach has so much time to chat when he has to work. -.- haha..

kk gtg le..
slpy. . .


6:21 AM

Saturday, March 31, 2007
next wk only got 4 days of school =D

eh heh.

we should have more Good Fridays... cos my class's dismissal time on fri is 5pm.

. . .

friday's lessons are supposed to be lesser! it's end of the week... low batt alr lo..

charmaine 12.30 cn go home. -.-

not bad la actually.. i just have to stay a little while more.. 4 and a half hrs. ... (this consolation doesnt make me feel any better)


oh anyway.. i decided to quit pugilistic society liao..

mainly cos got wu shu and the strict rules la.. and both trng days clash with outside trng.. esp on wed.. haha.. after school i'll train all the way from 3pm-10pm

though they say wu shu takes up just a small part of the trng time.. it still triggers fear in my heart. *gulps*

and i seriously cant stand the strict rules la!! cant use hp durin breaks.. fingernails inspection before trng starts.. shirt must be nicely tucked in.. blah blah...


*recalls trng days in Anderson*

use hp right in front of coach. . .

fingernails long until cant stand it then cut. . .

attire... shirt mian qiang considered tucked in. . .

NO WU SHU! (kk got la.. but is graduatin yr.. cos change coach..)


those were the good old days.

my juniors better be grateful for havin me as senior...

hahaha i have totally no discipline and therefore expect nothing more from them.

wahhhh i miss Anderson la!!!

i miss my juniors!!

i miss coach!! (kk both old and new la.. but the old coach is my outside troupe de coach.. so actually no need to miss him.. ahaha..)

hahah.. kk so in conclusion, im absolutely convinced i should join another cca le.

charmaine, clarrisa (charmaine's twin sis) and i have decided to join a slack slack cca together.. ahaha..

oh ya!! we are now called the tou'er bang (heads gang)!

huiyi * da tou (big head)
charmaine * xiao tou (small head)
clarrisa * lao tou (old head)

tou'er bang was officially formed on 30/3/2007.

wahah i love tou'er bang! =P

gtg le..
cYa! =D


10:49 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
2moro got jc1 level camp... i seriously hate camps.

but i wanna go see my new classmates... must go bond bond mah.. hahah..

im in class 0735.. house Phoenix..

wonder if the other ang huiyi will be posted to my class.. haha.. (i saw another ang huiyi on the orientation list.. she was in Tribe 14.. i was in 15.. hahaha.. sad.. nearly sia..)

oh well.. i hope the class full of nice nice ppl like myself! Whaha!! kk.. i take back the 'like myself' part... =.=

ohh ya.. hweeli and eunice also in Phoenix.. so qiao... too bad xuan ying(new jc friend) in Dragon.. ah.. and charmaine still dunno her class and hse.. =.= when she logged in, the page wrote something like her application not submitted......

haha.. she said nyjc abandoned her...

poor kid... nvm! cn go join my class and accompany me 2moro~ hahaha!!

maybe ltr she'll find out tt she's posted to my class! yeah~~~ kk.. just let me live in self delusion for a while...

lalala... i hope cca starts soon... haha.. something i cn look forward to after school..

ahh. and speakin of cca.. hweeli wan2 join judo or squash or.. aiya haven decided yet..

haiz.. i also like judo!! but i cant bear to not join lion dance.. (known as Pugilistic Society in ny) ahhh.. and the chinese cultural society! the chinese drama thing (im interested in the sound effects and script writin part!!) moreover the seniors like very friendly and euthu...



if only i cn resist the temptation of joinin P.S in ny..

*convinces inner self*

i still have to attend trainings for my outside troupe leh!

i should go learn new things!!

go have some brand new experiences!!

and the chinese cultural society only got one meetin per week! P.S got two!! and one of the two days is 4hrs!!!






nvm i give up.

lalala... go eat dinner le..


3:49 AM

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Ahh. Went for lion dance just now.. dunno go welcome who.. =.=

everytime like that de la.. the in-charge will call us standby.. then we hide inside lion head and eventually nv even get to see the person we're actually welcomin...

hahah.. kk nvm..

anyway.. my left side de teeth a bit pain leh... dunno wad on earth did i do...

ah! ya! almost forgot the most impt thing for this entry...

Charmaine rockSS~

ahaha... i call her teach me phy and maths 2moro.. cos i missed the first 3 mths in jc mah.. (oh did i ever mention in my blog tt i not goin poly le? i decided on nyjc..) anyway.. yup.. Charmaine rockSS~

i know how hard it can be when u really wanna find help... Aiy..

oh well, anyway yeah~ hahah..

eunice also say wanna study together durin the holidays.. she missed the first 3 mths too.. but nv hear from her le.. =.= haha.. hibernatin somewhere..

gtg le..
cYa =D


8:43 AM

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Cny period finally over liao... Ytd was the last day..

Wasnt plannin to go ytd.. since hweeli couldn make it..

But chatted with coach on the phone the night before.. then last min decided to go lo..

luckily got Leewah and Caiyun to keep me company.. haha..

anyway after i hanged up then i realised we talked for bout an hr..

=.= luckily is in-coming call.. so should be free bah... ... i suppose.

it wasnt exactly an hr of chattin.. cos mostly i got him to repeat wad he said..

if it isnt something wrong with my ears, it means there's something darn wrong with his talkin..

i told him every time he exceeds three words, i dun understand... then he started laughin (i thought he would be pissed but apparently he found it amusin.. and btw his laughter is very unique... he would go 'heh heh hehhh...' ...Hahah.. it just makes ppl feel like laughin at his laughter...)

anyway.. i suppose i haven mention in the past entries.. (scrolls down and realises previous updates were 100 yrs ago... er hem dear friends, anyone still readin my blog? *.*) oh anyway.. back to wad i was goin to say... Wahah! coach treated me and hweeli to Swensen last few days! oh and ah bao tagged along too..

i thought it was only supposed to be ice cream.. but we ended up eatin dinner there too..

ah bao and i ordered the salmon 'n' mushroom pasta and it came first.. and hweeli caught coach starin at our food... hahaha!! pitiful him finally got his food when everyone's food has already arrived and is halfway done eatin.. hahah..

anyway we ordered Earthquake after that... ah bao suggested puttin the remainin bit of ice cream into that middle hole..(u know.. the place the dry ice is put..) and so we had some disgustin fun for a while.. hahaha...

kk.. back to the main topic..

ooh ya.. chu shi was quite fun for the last day..

the first place was at some sell car de place.. caiyun was my tail at first.. then we went to each car pluck orange take ang bao.. but went to motorcycle side.. caiyun switched with leewah..

ltr got go quanda and quanyun's.. eh i tink is aunt's hse.. wah... so many kids.. haha.. they even have a mini lion in the hse..

we returned to defu lane by 7 plus i tink.. put back all the things.. then as normal... they started gamblin =.=

ah nor passed me 20 over bucks and told me to represent him. ... i told him it's gonna take a while to lose the money.. (cos i gamble small small one de mah.. haha..)

then he was like.. 'where got la? u one time put 10 can already lo.. very fast...'

... so i followed his instructions lo..

in the end nv lose away... even earned at least 40... ... ...

gamblin is so stressful! gamblin usin other ppl's $$ is even worse......

somemore i keep gettin 17 points for the first 2 cards.. then dunno wan2 take the third card anot.. in the end i will get a 4..

17+4= 21.


then i kept winnin.. became so stressed that i told ah nor to take over.


then i stood behind ah nor and 'assisted' him.. okay la.. just look at his cards..

then eventually the rest of them instructed me not to touch the cards... they say every time i touch his cards he win.. so everyone treated me like a curse. =.=

hahah.. got one round very funny.. as usual i got a third card and it added to 21pts.. then i happily put my cards down.. then xiao di and zai cheng was like 'gou ma (enough pts?)' and i was noddin my head 'gang gang hao (just enough)'..

then they opened my cards and got shocked.. 'her just enough is really just enough ah!'

heh.. i very honest de bah..

but i dun bring luck to everyone la..

zhiyong told me to help him once.. so i walked over to his side help him see the card.. but in the end he got over 21 pts lo.. oh but he still earned money for that time... ... cos ah nor was banker (i suppose that's wad it's called..) and he got over 21 too.. so eventually zhiyong still won money. =.= i've got nothing to say.

but got one guy.. eh i dunno his name.. he place his bet on me for one of the rounds.. cos i kept winnin mah.. but sui sui i that round lose..

hahah... so ke lian.. he placed his bet on me for that round and so very unfortunately i had to lose that round. then he nv bet and i started winnin again... hahaha... Paiseh!! +.+

ooh! and ah nor gave me 30 bucks for cab fare! hahah... and ah seng was complainin.. '30?? u can take to sembawang and take back liao la!'

then ah bao face black black 'aiya.. this is the diff between godson and god-daughter...'


but ah nor so ke lian.. i stood nearby see they play.. (cos i wasnt allowed to touch the cards. =.=) he lose quite a bit later i tink.. =(

hahah but nvm la.. just gamble a bit for cny.. (eh.. although his a bit is 10 dollars per time...)

ahh! and coach so nice! he bought clothes from hk for us.. and he got me an mp4~

i was lookin into the bag of things he gave me only when i was on my way home mah.. then i saw that mp4 i so shocked lo!! kk surprised should be a better word.. anyway i was afraid he would call and say put into by mistake... hahah... then he say he got see me listen to my mp3 (kk.. my mp3 follows me almost everywhere la.. haha..) so he bought one for me..

wahhhhhhhhhhhhh =D im so touchedddddddddddddddddddddd

my bro says hk a lot of fakes.. so maybe very fast spoil... but nvm, who cares... it's the thought that counts~

haiz.. =( ah nor so good.. coach so good.. even quanyun (last time i thought he very fierce la.. but turned out he not that bad too.. hahah.. er.. although he likes to play with my leg/toe and call my name with a weird voice =.=)

i tink enter jc... cant keep goin down for practices liao..



9:15 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007
'O' level results finally out liao...

i got L1R5 of 12pts.. then plus the bonus pts.. become 9pts..


okay.. it's not superb.. but more than enough to satisfy me.. heh.. =D

coach treatin us to Swensen ice cream!!

ah nor treatin... haven confirm wad la.. but the main pt is he's treatin..


i just told my dad he has to reward me for my efforts... told him i'll inform him when i've decided.. hahaha...

something good bout havin good results is that u get great things in return.. haha..

anyway.. i cant believe i got A2 for eng.. (i expected a B)

i cant believe i got A2 for combined humans.. (i expected a B too)

but i thought i could get an A1 for A maths.. i got A2.. =.=

and the most unbelievable thing is tt i actually got B3 for chem!!! (i know ppl are expectin As la) but seriously.. i didn even tink i was goin to pass... i was half dead when i attempted the chem paper..

*reads question 1*

*stares at question 1*

*mind blank*

*picks 1 of the choices, havin totally no idea which choice is actually correct*

*reads question 2*

*stares at question 2*

*mind blank*

*picks 1 of the choices, havin totally no idea which choice is actually correct*


and before i even realise.. im at the last question already... =.= that was how i completed my MCQ.. and i even broke something when i was doin the chem practical..

i seriously dunno how they calculated my score.. which eventually turned out to be a B3.. but who cares... im so very very pleasantly surprised. eh heh.. *.*

anyway.. went out to celebrate just now.. but dunno why just very tired to walk ard le.. so came back quite early.. hahah..

2moro goin to xiao di's chalet.. whoohoo~

gtg le..
cYa!! =D


5:04 AM

huiyi *
260590 *
=lion dance
=writing lyrics
=reading comics
=going k box
^ Mannequin head / anyone willing to let me cut his/her hair
^ grow taller!! (come on, im not greedy.. slightly >160 would be great..)
anNa, nataLie *
weiMun *
jiaRu *
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|January 2007|
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|May 2007|
photo impression
Byul *star*
by Kim Ah Joong. (200 pounds beauty)