Sunday, November 27, 2005
Just went to make my ez link card AGAIN.
This is my third card.
And I just realise that everytime I lose my ex link.. it has to have something to do with lion dance.
The first time I lost it was.. eh.. after trainin I tink..
The second time I lost it was.. YESTERDAY!! The day I went to see the yishun LION DANCE COMPETITON.
Damn. Damn. Damn. Oh well, not that Im blamin lion dance.. But next time when I go for anything to do with lion dance, I'd better take real good care of my ez link card..
Haiz. 24 bucks!!! (19 bucks for replacement of card.. 5 bucks for puttin value into the card..)
Ahhhhh. I just received 20 bucks from my aunt and NOW WAD?!?! I PAY 24 BUCKS FOR THIS
*knocks head against wall*
Nvm, there's nothing I can go now..
I can only pray for my dad's generosity durin this coming CHINESE NEW YEAR. =P
Haha.. anyway.. the competition ytd was great..
Saw Xin Cheng's performance and was hopin they get champion... AND THEY REALLY DID!! Hee..
I dunno if others felt the same way as I did.. but well, I loved their performance.. =)
Actually, WeiYong was not bad.. esp at the end.. the way the lion tail jumped down the jong.. but oh well, there was one fall during the performance, so one mark was deducted and for some mistakes here and there, some marks were deducted again.. (And for some personal reasons, I dun really support them.)
As for Jiu Xian Gong.. Hmm.. The jongs were quite short.. Hweeli says tt the lion tail has a fear of heights.. Well, I dunno.. it seems to me the tail is new or something.. And unfortunately, they also fell in the midst of the performance.. But nevertheless, the performance was quite good.. And their jongs were very colourful! Hehe.. got red, blue, green and yellow if I didnt rmb wrongly.. =D
The other troupes also did very well!!
*standing ovation*
Xin Cheng - 9.20
Wei Yang - 8.98
Wu De - 8.91
Teng Yi - 8.05
Jiu Xian Gong - 7.73
Wei Yong - 6.58
Anyway, ytd I also went to the temple with LinXiu to
qiu2 qian1.. (Ya know, those shake shake shake then one stick will drop out of the container..)
I have to correct those ppl who have been misleaded by those dramas shown on tv.. The lots dun come out easily lo!!! =P
LinXiu and I shook and shook and shook and shook........... and shook and shook and shook before one dropped out..
Haha.. Gtg liao~
Cya! =D
5:00 AM
Friday, November 25, 2005
Ahhhh. Im plannin to have a Christmas celebration this year (my parents dun give a damn.. but somehow im gonna find ppl to celebrate it with me this year!)
--First, take neoprints. (Ahh. as usual.)
--Proceed to K box. (and sing till 7pm.)
--Eat pizza hut. (nice dinner =P)
And I tink we shall do without the gift exchange... (cos I doubt there will be $$ left for buyin gifts with the above plan.)
K.. everything's planned out. Except that I haven't got any company yet. Bleah.
Linxiu says it depends on her aunt.. Maybe she's celebratin with her family?
Oh well, and I dunno if Jiaru will still be grounded at that time.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
Anyway, enough bout the Christmas plan.
Tomorrow's the wedding!!!
Not mine... my cousin's.
Oh well, but I still have to wear a skirt.
*breaks down*
Those who see me wearin a skirt will have sore eyes the next day.
Anyway good news is... Im going to watch competition at Yishun after the wedding..
Got ard 7 troupes bah.. Yesh! =D
Gtg liao... Cya!!
5:10 AM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Today, as I was bout to go out of the hse to meet LinXiu.. My mom suddenly say
"Eh, if see got any nice clothes then buy hor.."
Wad the... Suddenly so good??
For a moment, I thought New Year was coming.
My cousin was goin to get married.
I went ard Northpoint in search of a
nice shirt (oh well, when my mom says nice, it means girly)
After goin to quite a no. of shops, I found a black girly shirt. 20 bucks. Quite comfortable (but of course it cant be compared to my baggy clothes).. So I bought it.. Actually I wanted to listen to my mom's words and buy a presentable skirt to go with a girly shirt...
But I seriously didn want to ruin myself... So oh well, I guess I can just wear that black girly shirt and my three-quarter pants.. Shouldn be too bad..
Anyway, I just spent ard 20 bucks on neoprints today, again. Ahhh. K.. Let's just take it as a form of relaxation. When the holidays end, this shall come to an end. Hehe..

Oh ya, I bought Jay's new album today =D November's Chopin.
Got a giant Jay poster...
But I dunno where to put it.
*Sigh* Every wall is covered with S.H.E, Jay and some other singers' posters..
And I cant bear to take off my old posters..
Oh.. speakin of S.H.E, I Still have their new poster (from magazine).. haven put up yet..
I need space. . . . . .
5:22 AM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Wasted the whole of today...
Slept for God-knows-how-many hrs.. Watched a little bit of tv.. Ate some food.. Surfed net for a few hrs..
Damned. My life cant be more boring.
I wonder why all the lion dance performances have to be before/ during exam period.. And when Im finally free from the books, there're none... -.-"
Oh well, anyway should be goin out 2moro with my friends la.. (if my dad doesnt suddenly propose goin to Malaysia..)
But Im broke now.. These few days spent money like siao...
-Keep takin neoprints.. (still owe LinXiu $2.50.. Haha.. After exams keep takin neoprints..)
-Buy Ah Xing's present.. (Share the cost with LinXiu la.. But Billabong wallets are EX.. Haha..)
Oh ya.. haven blog on the Chinese O level paper..
Eh.. Should be quite okay la..
If nothing serious goes wrong, the results shouldn be too bad.. Hee..
Anyway I pasted my neoprints onto a card..

(front side- includes pics of me, my mom, LinXiu, Hweeli and Weimun)

(back side- includes pics of me, my mom, Jiaru, Yiling, Yilin, LinXiu and Hweeli)
Ahh. Gtg liao..
Cya =D
5:41 AM