luminous D.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Yeah~~ Another paper done!
Huiyi asked me to go Luminous Dragon semi-finals with her.. cos HweeLi can only go for the finals mah..
She say she'll pay the admission ticket for me for the semi finals..
Then coach say the finals is sponsored by the school..
Whahaha... Watchin both for free then..
Whee~ =)
12:19 AM
...hui dao guo qu...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Finish two papers liao..
Eh, no.
English, Chemistry and E Maths...
Ooh.. and I've changed my background music~
Dedicatin this song.. "Hui Dao Guo Qu" to Wong Jiaru~!
Hee.. Cya! =)
1:02 AM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Went to Tampines to perform ytd..
Didn get any money.. Haha.. HuiLi say cos we got to eat nice stuff.. So no $$.
We ate.. Abalone.. Shark's fin.. Steam fish.. blah blah.. *grinS*
The food was served really really late lo.. Haha.. So I kept drinkin and drinkin and drinkin.. Then when the food came, I was sooo full I culdnt stuff anymore things into my stomach.. (And I even had to go to the toilet to relieve myself twice.. Hee..)
Then got one of the WeiJin guys sittin beside me.. Haha.. He saw that the first dish was served and everyone was startin to eat except me.. then he whispered to the other person beside him.
And the other person beside him was like askin me
"U vegetarian ah? Why dun eat?"
I was too full. My stomach was bloated. That's why I didnt wanna eat.
Hahaha... Okay la.. I'll take that as concern.
But anyway, Honghui was even more...
He was like sayin
"Aiya, she go back home got 18 over cans of Abalone waitin for her la.. And she uses bird's nest to rinse her mouth.."
Then tt Jeremy kid was like starin at me..
I didn even know wad to say.
But if u are wonderin and worried how the food on the table could be cleared.. then u are tinkin too much.
Cos apparently the ppl at the table which was beside us were very hungry.
Ah Bao practically had his eyes glued to our food once the food on his table was finished.
The other guy (another drummer.. but i dunno his name..) also.. He kept askin after every dish
"Hey, u all still got or not?"
But when it came to shark's fin, our table refused to let the other table have it. Hahaha..
Yeah.. I luv shark's fin.. It's my fav among all those dishes..
But too bad.. *sobs...* drank too many glasses of drinks...
Haha.. Then when we were all going back to Defu lane the
shi guan to change back to our clothes.. Heard Quan da (one of the lion heads..) say
"Aiya, why so early go back? I still wanna eat the dessert.."
And very coincidentally, he was also one of the MEMBERS of the table beside us.. which kept askin for food.
Oh.. when we reached Defu lane.. Ard 11pm liao..
Everyone helped to put back the lions and dragons into the room..
Well, except for Ah bao that glutton.
I was puttin down the lion head...when..
(Dun u expect me to tell u tt he offered a helpin hand.)
He started dancing Cha Cha.
K la.. Gtg liao..
Cya! =)
1:08 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
We won!!
Okay la.. not 'we'..
They won!!
Wei Jin got first! Eh.. okay la.. not by their own name.. They represented Cheng San CC.. and won champion with the score of 9.35..
Dun really rmb who was second and third though.. Haha.. *paiseh..*
But if Im not wrong, the one who got 2nd was 9.23.. and the one who got 3rd was 9.21 bah..
Anyway, NanXian represented Radin Mas today..
Got a score of 7.33..
Becos of a fall and some other things.. minus ard 1.5 points I tink..
HweeLi and I thought that the performance was great.. Pity that they fell though..
After the prize presentation, we went back to Cheng San to practise our drum..
And coach happily went back home with his wife. -.-"
Aiz.. HweeLi say Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all got training..
Since coach also know we wun be able to win the other schools durin the July competition, can we just slack a bit..? *grinS*
Haha.. ya, I AM lazy and Im not gonna deny it.
Praise me for being honest alright??!
Haha.. okay la, enough said..
Wanna rest liao..
Cya!! =)
3:41 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Change in plans on Thursday..
Didn go together with HweeLi they all for the performance.. Go shoppin with Jiaru at Hougang Mall earlier instead. Then went outside to see when they started performin..
Hougang Mall is boring.
Esp when u dun have much money. -.-"
But the cds there are so cheap!!
Went to buy Wang XinLing and F.I.R's cds...
Wahaha... Wang XinLing's cd at only $7.90!! (Okay la..cos no MTV vcd mah.. it's the older version..) Save more than 10 bucks.. =)
Ahhh. Then went out of the mall at ard 8pm.. They performed double dragon then went on to lion dance..
The lion dance went quite smoothly la.. but the dragon dance.. got one part.. a bit of mistake.. Cos no.4 didn jump in time..
Heard from HweeLi he's new.. Wah.. must be stressed... *_*
Was tokin to HweeLi when they finished performin Dragon..
Jiaru and I were like..
"Coach's tummy gettin smaller sia.."
HaHaha.. Jokin jokin.. *in case there's any of Coach's spies here..*
Oh ya.. other than HweeLi, also got HongHui, Ashari and Sha Seng..
Hong Hui was one of the lion heads..
Sha Seng stood there do nothing.. Cos he refused to perform.. Haha..
Ashari.. Heard from HweeLi tt becos of some religious thing.. he cant perform in this kind of occasions..
Ahhh. And why did coach have to stare at me as if I owed him money?
Jiaru and I so good.. go there support leh.. *grinS*
Nvm.. forgive him la.. His face forever like that one.. Haha..
2moro the competition.. Wei Jin also takin part I tink..
Wah.. NanXian.. Ri Heng.. blah blah all also..
Hope Wei Jin wins..
-.-" Jiaru keep callin me a traitor cos I say NanXian is good..
But I really hope Wei Jin win la..
Gtg.. Cya!! =)
5:13 AM
No time... No time... 0_0
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Ahhh. HweeLi told me tt HongHui called coach and asked if those dun wan to perform..just wanna see see one can go or not.. Tink he replied those who wanna go can go.. cos no limit to the no. of ppl who can go..
I was like.. oh, good.. Jiaru and I can go there see see enjoy.. Hee.. Then at night, HweeLi suddenly sms me say got 50% chance have to perform.. Cos is double dragon.. need more ppl. -___-"
No way. Not gonna perform. Haha.. coach also wun so dumb bah.. send someone who nv attend the Dragon Dance trainin to perform.. Anyway, if reach shi guan he really say nv perform cant follow.. then I can take bus home with Jiaru from there.. =)
Ooh.. before that.. goin Orchard to shop for Yiling's gift.. Hmm.. by 6pm must reach Chengsan CC.. which means...
1.35 -Release frm school.
2.30 -Reach home.
3.30 -Do finish homework (hopefully there isnt la..)
4 -bathe finish..ready to go out.
Where got time??
Only two hrs to
1) Eat lunch
2) Go Orchard
3) Shop for gift (and buy F.I.R's cd..hehe..)
4) Get back to amk frm Orchard
Ahhh. Pray there isnt homework 2moro..
Go sleep liao...
Cya!! =)
7:33 AM
Nerdy me...
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Jiaru say Thursday wanna go Orchard buy Yiling's gift.. I say a bit too far la.. cos maybe got homework on that day mah.. then she gave me the "u-nerd" look.
HaHaha.. Fine. Nerd I shall be. -.-"
Hope no homework that day lo.. Anyway, we were plannin to go shop shop then go join HweeLi they all to go Hougang mall for the performance.. But now dun tink so..
I asked HweeLi go there all must perform issit.. She say ya lo.. Then I previously told Jiaru she can dun perform.. Hee.. *paiseh*
Ahhhh. Then I go there also extra one la.. Cos heard they also got perform Dragon Dance.. And I definitely not gonna perform.. (Hehe.. nv even attend the trainins for Dragon Dance...)
*Sigh...* Maybe if shop finish got time then go watch them perform with Jiaru lo..
Haiz.. feel so useless.. Everytime got this type of performance or sumthing, ppl can happily go.. I still must consider the value of my existence first.
Useless bah?
Haha.. crap la.. Nvm, dun tink too much le..
Or else revert to my pessimistic form.
Gtg le..
Cya! =)
1:19 AM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
The April Games were held ytd..
Cant really blog on that la.. I didn even go and see.. Haha.. Want to read on it can go visit Jiaru or kb's blogs.. *grinS*
Ahh. Jiaru's freakin out.. Friday's CT comin liao.. Haha..
She keeps tinkin we havent got sufficient practices.. Maybe Im not as anxious becos Im already mentally prepared to get kicked out in the qualifyin rounds.. Hee.. Look, how can I expect much when Chloe's CHOIR SENIORS are takin part...
Im just an ordinary, defenceless girl against those choir ppl (when it comes to singing la.. Haha..)
And somemore Chloe say I siao.. cos I gonna sing S.H.E's Re Dai Yu Lin..
Haha.. go and choose a three ppl's song.
Oh ya.. Deng Yiling sent me JJ Lin Jun Jie's songs ytd~ No need buy the album liao.. Just save frm the computer to my mp3.. Tu Ran Lei Le.. Wu Jin De Si Nian.. Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou.. Jian Jian Dan Dan.. all very nice.. Wahaha... *_*
Ok gtg..
Cya!! =)
2:40 AM
Saturday, April 09, 2005

You're an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creature, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apologise later!
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
7:13 AM
Omg.. Im a protector sia.. =)

You are a
Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you believe in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strength to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.
Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
5:32 AM
Friday, April 08, 2005
Cyndi's CD got new version in stores! See, I knew it! I AM SO DAMNED CORRECT~ Surely got second version with MTV vcd one.. 5566 and Cyndi always like that.. So wanna buy the better version must wait longer.. Hehe.. =)
Can go buy liao!!!
And F.I.R's second album is out too!!
JJ Lin Jun Jie also!!
Ahhhhh. Im going broke soon.
Hmm.. Buy Cyndi and F.I.R cds first.. Later then settle JJ's one. =)
Ooh.. and today's training , well as usual, it's fun and all.. Haha.. And HweeLi can balance on my leg liao.. =) Not bad bah.. we got improvement.. Hee.. Though everyone knows it's impossible for us to win and we jolly well understand it ourselves, we still practise very hard.. Not trying to prove that we can win.. (cos well, we know our limits la.. Haha..), but in the hope of saving ourselves some face durin the competition. *grinS*
And I didn know Coach so... Argh. He doesnt even know Im HuiYi.
He tinks Im HuiYu. -.-"
*slaps forehead*
Anyway, when Lin Xiu and I were going home today, one boy behind suddenly called out "Hweeli!".. "Hweeli!".. Haha.. didn turn back the first time.. then when he called out the second time, I turned back see see lo.. And he realised I was not HweeLi. Haha... then he paiseh and walked off.. Lin Xiu told me her mom also thought that HweeLi and I are twins.. HaHaha..
Ok la, maybe our hair a bit same same.. But our difference is so big??! Haha..
Gonna sleep.
Byebye! =)
5:36 AM
adults' words.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Talentime change to 15th April liao.. And still have to choose group name if u are taking part together with ur friends.. Haha.. Jiaru and I chose a very stupid name.
Wa Zi.
(which means socks la..)
Well, we shouldn look down on socks ya know...
Never neglect the importance of socks!! HaHaha.. =)
Anyway.. today got lion dance practice..
Coach came over to me..
"Eh, u dun like dragon dance ah..?"
"Why? U Christian ah?"
" just dun like..." (actually I wanted to explain further la.. not really dun like la.. just that my interest is in lion mah.. But oh well, let's just say.. I cant bothered to do further explanation.. Haha.. which also means... Lazy. And hor.. I dunno why coach tinks Christians are supposed to dislike dragon dance.. ?_?)
"Har.. Then u only interested in beating drum ah?"
"*sort of exclaiming* Coach! U call me learn drum one leh!!"
"Then u interested in wad?"
"Eh.. basically.. Im interested in the overall thing.."
"Overall thing includes dragon dance leh.."
"Ahh. Fine... Im interested in the overall thing except dragon.."
"Then.. if I let u be the lion tail, u willin mah?"
[Above conversation was spoken in Chinese btw.]
It was a big mistake.
Think before u say anything!!!
Coach BLUFFED me!!! How could he lie to me?!
I was like.. "For competition?? But I nv train as lion tail before!"
"Aiya, very easy la.. Just follow the lion head can already.. Nothing much.."
U just cant trust adults' words. U just cant.
I thought just doing simple simple.. xiao jian..zhong jian..da jian..qi bu.. blah blah blah..
Coach nv mentioned anything bout jumpin onto tall tall table.
Coach nv mentioned anything bout hweeli (lion head..) jumpin onto me.
Coach said it was E.A.S.Y.
I was deceived!
Truly deceived!!
Haha.. anyway, when Hweeli was practising the jumping-onto-me thing.. quite okay la.. Just tt we cant really balance yet.. Well, practise more bah.. =)
Actually.. I not very pain when she jumps onto me la.. Using my right leg to support her whole body is supposedly hard la (cos cant balance mah..), but at least her body quite light la.. Haha.. But dunno why, come back home.. I see three little dark red spots on my thigh.. (forming a nice triangle) Haha.. =) Luckily not pain..
I shuld be thankful I haven had any really bad falls la. Only some weird weird small marks on my thigh.. Somemore not even pain one.. Haha..
Gtg sleep le.. Good nite, everyone! =)
Oh ya! Sasa.. whoa.. didn expect u to be a chess expert sia.. Haha.. anyway, congrats!! Jiayou with ur syf competition~
6:37 AM