Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Got a bit fed up today.
Well, when I lend someone a cd, I expect him or her to take the intiative to handle it well. And even if accidentally break or sumthing, at least inform me rite?? Is it very difficult?!
Im pissed off not becos of the cracks alright?! Im pissed off becos no one told me!! Happily lend around.. and got one or two BIG scratches behind yet no one bothered to inform me. Have to let me take back to class and find out for MYSELF.
Moreover, it's my BROTHER'S cd.
So wad?? Am I supposed to hold the responsibility then?
Im totally pissed.
Ppl may view this as something 'minor' or 'unimportant'.. but I CARE!
And Im deciding not to lend anyone ANYMORE cds.. Unless I can absolutely trust this person. At least like Sasa la.. accidentally break my cd cover but she did apologise. And I can say Im not at all angry with her..
I really dunno wad others take my cds as..
Just becos I have many cds... Just becos Im willin to lend ppl my cds...
It does not mean can treat them like shit rite?!
Borrow and break also dun care??!
So I guess the concept now is..
"Hey huiyi got so many cds, break one of them also wun die la."
Ok la.. May sound a bit too worked up. *breathes in breathes out* But that's becos those cds are my treasure!!!
"Music~ Makes the ppl~ Come together~"
That came from Madonna's song I tink.. Hee..
Ok, enough.. tok bout sumthing happy bah.. (Dun wan ppl always come here and read then spoil their mood.. Haha..)
Hmmm.. anything happy??
Yeah. Of course..
Im gonna fail my Maths log test!
Ok, not funny.
But seriously, aiya.. dun tok bout it liao la.. Hope I pass..
Ahh. Dun tink I can go see the Luminious Dragon Competition at Toa Payoh.. Haiz.. May 12th.. =( Oh well, shuld be ard exams. Can't go.. But heard ppl are already sayin RiHeng may win..
Nvm.. still got April 17th.. Eh.. forgot wad's the event.. Aiya, there's just sumthing on la.. Hehe..
And coach still say July got competition.. And I mean.. NATIONAL.
He say hard to win la.. Haha.. Yeah, we also know.. 40+ teams leh!! Only pick out 2.. -_-" Well, good luck for us.
Oh, and the Chi Talentime this Saturday.. Go support me~~
Alright, nvm.. dun force u all to support me la.. Haha.. Go support Chloe and Jiaru! But well, if u go support Jiaru, u will also be supportin me.. Cos I duet with her mah. Hee..
Dun even know if the qualifying rounds allow audience ard anyway.
Haha.. (but then, u all wun see me in the final rounds too. Cos I'll be kicked out by then.. Hee..)
Oh, and some little notes..
To Hwee Li: No. NO. NEVER say Im compatible with that big bun with two dots as eyes.
To Lin Xiu: Ahhhhh.. My tu di... How many times must I say?? He's just plainly bo liao!! Dun agree with Hwee Li!!! U are MY tu di, ya know?!
To Chloe: Argh... My partner. Gang up with them hor??! Haha.. But anyway, jiayou for the CT!
To Jiaru: U are the best~~ At least u're the only one who helps me explain.. Haha.. Jiayou for CT too!
Good nite everyone! Cya~ =)
4:07 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Ahh. The whole hse is so empty.
Everyone go Malaysia have fun liao.. Haha..
Only me..
Still struggling with homework.
Struggling with Maths.
Coordinate geometry sucks. Sucks big time.
Dunno how to do 9 out of 10 questions..
Haha.. serious case.
Omg. My stomach's growling non-stop.
It's nearly 6pm and I haven eat my lunch. (Yah, that's me. Just too lazy to step out of the hse and buy lunch for myself. No one's at home anyway.. cant nag at me.. Hee..) Nvm.. just wait for dinner time and eat dinner can liao la.. *grinS*
Oh, and Lin Xiu, luckily u helped me a lot in my maths homework.. Or else I would have killed u for making that idiotic, nonsensical comment about me and _____. One Hweei Li is enough ok?!? In case u dun know, let me tell u.. When a person of the opposite sex purposely blocks ur way and starts laughing for no apparent reason, it does NOT mean that he likes u. It's highly possible that he is an INSANE, CRAZY, FREAKY lunatic.
Ahh. Im so pleased with my explanation.
Oh ya.. Jiaru.. the lion dance thing hor.. I gave u the wrong info..
Suddenly rmb.. that competition shuld be Ri Xing get third.. Not Long Tian.. Hehe.. paiseh ah.. =)
And bout CT hor.. Sorry if I sounded too harsh ok.. Cos I was frettin over that stupid coordinate geometry thing.. So got a bit frustrated bout the changin of songs. But anyway, let's just try our best la.. Jiayou! =)
1:26 AM
End? 0_0
Sunday, March 20, 2005
So fast..
But nvm, I've been rottin at home almost everyday.
OMG. Did I just say NEVERMIND??
Nevermind that the holidays have ended??!
Maybe becos Monday got Lion Dance practice.. So I a bit.. Eh.. lookin forward to the end of holidays..?
Ahh. I should just slap myself for sayin that.
Wad happened to the lookin-forward-to-holidays-for-the-whole-year-round Ang Hui Yi???
Omg. Omg. Omg.
Anyway, went for the hmm..wad's the name ah.. Er.. Annual Lion Dance Competition held at NTU? (Wah.. the school so nice..)
But I must say there seems to be cameras everywhere.. Jiaru and I were caught on camera doing sumthing really silly.
We stuck our faces at the glass door of a labratory, sayin, "Wha.. so coolin..." Cos between the left and right side of the door got a little gap mah.. then inside the air-con.. Wah seh..so shiok..
But the bad thing is, when we lifted our heads and looked up... *gulpS*
There was a camera. 0_0
It successfully caught our stupidity. Damn.
Our foolish moments.
Haha.. =)
Btw.. the competition not bad la.. Just that everyone beatin almost the same thing.. and plus got so many teams.. So Jiaru kept complainin her butt suan.. And we occasionally walked to the toilet or watercooler to take our mini breaks.. Hee..
But that stupid Ah Bao must spoil my day.
When we arrived at NTU and were gettin down the bus, he was like, "Xiao peng you men.. kuai dian.."
Which meant- Quick, little children..
And no, do not misinterpret it as concern.
He was sarcastic.
But nvm.. I tolerated his cocky attitude at first.
Then he went further by saying, "Xiao peng you.. bu yao luan luan zou orh.."
Which meant- Little children, dun anyhow walk away huh..
He's like.. how old??!
One or two years bigger only hor.
Keep givin that "Hey hey, follow this big brother over here" look somemore..
Then later Jiaru and I were happily chattin at the entrance there..
And Jiaru suddenly say wanna go toilet.. So we wanted to push the door and go in liao la..
But I saw that Bao walkin our direction..(cos he walkin out mah..) then he quickly move forward and block our way.
(Argh!!! Hate that stupid grin on his face..)
Then we move to the other door beside.. And he happily walked there also and purposely pushed the door and walked out, ADDING a stupid laughter..
C.Yiling tinks he's cute.
*volcano erupts...*
I wonder why C.Yiling seems to like all the guys I practically hate.
7:50 AM
locus of control..?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
5:56 AM
career inventory test...
Finished my compo!!! Wahahahaha...... =)
Alright, though I still didn manage to reach the target of 1500..
At least I got to 1300~
Wahaha...Big improvement for me. (the compo consists largely of crap though.)
Ahh. Just did a personality test.
Career Inventory Test
Withdrawn (I) 51.85% Outgoing (E) 48.15% Realistic (S) 57.58% Imaginative (N) 42.42% Emotional (F) 57.58% Intellectual (T) 42.42% Improvised (P) 52.78% Organized (J) 47.22%
You are a Specialist, possible professions include - bookkeeper, clerical supervisor, dental assistant, physical therapist, mechanic, radiology technologist, surveyor, chef, forester, geologist, landscaper designer, crisis hotline operator, teacher |
Take Free Career Testpersonality tests by similarminds.comSee?? Im suitable to become a teacher leh! Everyone tinks the future generation will suffer if I really become a teacher.. Haiz.. Now, you all should see for urself.
Waha! Even the test has proven tt I should be a teacher.. *grinS*
4:48 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
*Yawns...* Wanna die... The compo is spoiling my whole holiday..
Though that is the only hw left.
But Im not rejoicing alright..
1500 words is enough kill me!!!
If I can write up to 1000 words, I'll be so proud of myself liao..
I didn even reach the 1200 words target for the commonwealth essay the other time.
Should be write at least 1200 words. But in the end, after strugglin the whole night, I managed to only squeeze out 900++ words. Hahaz..
Now increase to 1500.
Nvm.. pia4 tonight. =)
Haiz.. The leopard can nv change its spots.
Can go ard backstabbing others and then turn ard saying ppl backstab her.
Stop wallowing in self-pity will ya??
Do sumthing positive!
It's not like u're really pitiful or wad..
Come on, need I spell out everything clearly for u?
You jolly well know wad kind of inhuman and disgusting things u do.
Evil witch.
Ok, just had to release a bit of stress. Back to the topic.. which was..
Ah, homework.
Ok, let's just jump to the next topic. *grins* Haha..
Oh ya, I would like to express my gratitude towards
Khoo Lin Xiu..
Haha.. thanks for sending me those notes..
Though I dun expect my Physics to improve very much..
But thank u for ur concern. =) Will try to pass my next Physics exam la.. Hee..
翅膀地下铁是你选择离开的方向 回忆地图是我迷路时的信仰
入夜的橱窗 清晨的操场 这次没有你在我身旁
寂寞是不需要被原谅的原谅 爱情终于是被你删除的过往
天黑天亮 都显得迷惘 我在哪里失去了方向
幸福的那一双翅膀 飞不到你说过的远方
云若沮丧 可以变成海洋 我的伤心怎么能释放
幸福需要一双翅膀 带我飞往勇敢的方向
练习着坚强 学习会遗忘 等待彩虹再次出现 展翅飞翔
Cya~~ =)
12:57 AM
Orchard Road...Changi airport?!
Friday, March 11, 2005
Yesterday's long run was tiring...
Ok, maybe Im not in the position to complain.
I walked almost the whole journey.
Hee.. Then when Lin Xiu and I was headin towards Mrs Lee (the 3/1 form teacher..), she was like..
"Hmm.. still not planning to run ah??"
Haha.. and we smiled and jolly well continued to walk.
We still managed to come back in time to earn the 1 point for the class anyway.. Hehe... =)
After that, I went shoppin with Yilin they all..
Wanted to go Orchard.
But becos we took bus no.36 ON THE WRONG SIDE, we ended up in Changi Airport instead.
I was actually sleepin on the bus lo.. then when I woke up.. What I saw was actually the sign
Terminal... turn left.. blah blah.."
Wad the.
And in no time, we reached the airport.
Haha.. eventually, we took Mrt from there.
Oh yeah, 19th March got lion dance competition!
Coach ask us wanna go not.. =)
Actually, the other time he got ask us wanna take part or not.. But we rejected..
Hehe.. so now, we become audience instead..
Not bad la, can go pick up some skills..
To Divek and Karntiban (I supposed they're not readin though.. haha..) : Aiya, sorry hor, didn mean to be so harsh on Thursday.. I too stressed liao mah..wanna catch some sleep.. then u all keep kickin the ball, make so much noise.. And dunno why, the ball keep hitting
ME. Haha.. Then suddenly feel like crying and venting out my frustrations.. Didn mean to scold u all la ok.. I hereby apologise.
Soccer roX!!
Haha.. see, I so sincere leh. *grinS*
Ok.. gtg liao.. Byebye! =)
10:33 PM
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Ahh. Went to Tampines with Jiaru yesterday. Went to record song.
Haha.. completed my solo Re Dai Yu Lin within 2 tries.. But Jiaru and I kept makin mistakes when we did Qi Li Xiang together.. Hee..
I was so damned hungry tt my stomach growled like hell.. Then sumtimes I bend down to rest my legs.. Haha.. tiring sia.. And in the end, Jiaru and I had to wait for more than hour to collect our cd.. cos the person had to cut and paste many parts mah..(since we kept makin mistakes.. hehe...) Jiaru even had to postpone her tuition just to wait for the cd.
When the person was done with the whole thing, he was like..
"Hey u sang quite well.."
And I replied (with an unconvinced tone)..
"Oh.. er.. haha.. thank you.."
Then the person (out to convince me)..
"No.. seriously."
Too bad, I couldn totally trust his words. My dad says there're too many bad ppl out there to trick kids like me. Hahaha... =)
"Oh.." (Well, I tried to sound like I did believe him ok?? Play along mah.. Hehe.."
"Another thing.. U had a lot of
slangs......" (He continued sayin wad Chinese ppl slang.. or dun slang.. or aiya, sumthing to do with slangs la.. Then he carried on sayin sumthing bout S.H.E... but I didn really catch it.. Haha..)
Then I was like..
"Er.. dunno.. Haha.. I sing like tt one la.."
And he went on and on sayin bout those slangs..
Then he added, "But overall, it was nice."
With that, he started playin the Re Dai Yu Lin I recorded!!! Wad the hell!!!
I thought Jiaru was standing behind me.. so nvm.. But when I turn ard.. Wad I saw was other ppl lo!!
Arghhh~ Then I kept sayin "Ya.. ah, I sing like that one.." ..hoping tt he would stop playin my song.. and finally he stopped it and handed over the cd.
Haha.. then it was like.. already 7pm liao.. So late..
Jiaru and I went to the bus interchange and took the no.72 bus.. (and believe me, it's our first time takin 72 from there..) We had no idea where to drop.. But we took it anyway. Hee...
Then Jiaru reached her hse there.. and I was freaked out.. I dun even know where the bus was headin to liao.. so I alighted with her.
But eventually (after askin those ppl at the bus stop, who were obviously as blur as us..), I took the taxi to Amk mrt station then go home frm there.. =)
Ok, no energy liao. Continue next time...
Good night!!
5:52 AM
Friday, March 04, 2005
Just went to Jiaru's blog.. She seemed really unwillin to join the Chi Talentime with me.. =(
Haiz.. so I sms her.. ask her issit she really dun wan..
And she kept saying she'll pull me down or sumthing cos her voice is plain..
Chen Yiling, dun say her voice is plain liao hor!
Encourage her!!
Discover her potential! WHee~
Ok la.. I crap too much.
Seriously Jiaru, dun giv up! I'll be ur loyal supporter! No.1 loyal suppoter!
Hehe.. =)
Ok, back to exam results.
Omg. Who's the one spreadin rumours tt I got 23/25 for Physics??
Jiaru was like "I heard u got 23 for Physics from sum one.."
And Yilin was like "I thought u got 23 for Physics?"
-_-" For ur info, I failed Physics ok.
It's S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
When did Ang Hui Yi score well for Science?
Hehe.. not tt Im proud to say tt la.. *paiseh..*
But it's the truth anyway.
The one who thought I got 23 for Physics must be thinking too highly for me.
Anyway, now Im left with the Eng, s.s (the subject Im so confident I'll fail...) and chem papers.
Those Ive got back...
HMT: 33.5/40 (haven get back my Idioms test la.. this is the one with the compre one..)
E Maths: 26.5/35
A Maths: 26/35
Lit: 16/25
Geog: 16/30
Physics: 9/25 -- See?? Everybody, get this clear, this is my Physics marks. I didn get 23 ok?? Haha.. Im not a Physics freak.
Gtg.. cya!! =)
6:34 PM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

You're a sporty tom boy. That's not a bad thing.
You're friendly, competitive, athletic, and you
love to have fun. You attract a lot of guy
friends and make many girls jealous. Don't pay
attention to them. A lot of boys might think
you are aggressive and might be intimidated.
Don't worry, show them the other side of you
that makes people so attracted to your fun
personality. You also are a profectionist. You
have to be good at everything. But please don't
stress yourself out. You're just fine the way
you are.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
1:09 AM

In your eyes, people see shards of ice
everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing
away people that love you and truely care for
you! You want to be able to reach out and love
them but... You can't for some reason... You're
just too.... You :P Underneath that cold
exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to
let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would
probably be anywhere up high where you can look
down on life below you, like the roof of an
apartment building... Your eyes resemble a
saddened, crestfallen person seeking out
attention, but doesn't know how to handle it.
However, you do find comfort from your friends,
they're always there for you, and they know the
REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather
cold, you can be very protective over something
you truely believe in or love. Let go of that
"tough" rep and just be you! It's
impossible to live life without some fun and
love ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)brought to you by Quizilla
12:47 AM
lalala... =)
Ahhh. Miss Heng juz asked the class today whether there is anyone who wans to drop out of band 1.. Surprisingly, I wasnt the only one who raised my hand.
Haha.. then among those ppl, I was the one sittin closest to her mah.. and she looked at me and started shootin questions...
"Why? Is the work too tough?"
And I nodded my head.
"Did the sec4s tell u anything?"
If u are wonderin wad has it got to do with the sec4s, let me tell u.
She FAILED half of her class for common test 1. (forgot is which sec4 class liao.. aiz.. pity them.)
Ah, who am I to pity them anyway? She's giving back our compos tomorrow.. and most probably she's gonna fail me.
But at least got A1 for hmt. Wait. No.. I haven got back my 'Idioms + summary' test paper.. Dun tink I'll do well for that.. Better pray tt that paper doesnt have a high percentage in the overall score. *grinS*
As for E and A maths.. aiya not bad already la.. got A1 for one.. and A2 for the other.. (though my one is only that type of 75% A1.. not like Lin Xiu's 90% A1.. Im still satisfied. Hee..) Well wad can I say, Lin Xiu's a maths freak! Haha.. bet she can complete the whole maths ten year series within sec3. =)
As for lit.. not bad bah.. got 16/25.. Yeah.. I know.. B4 only.. but well, it's one of the HUMANITIES paper. I dun expect to do well in the first place. Haha..
Anyway, I wonder if the Constantine novel is out in stores.. Watch finish the movie.. feel like readin the book.. Hehe..
Ok gtg, cya!! =)
12:05 AM